ESG is also for SMEs - We'll help you get started!
At NORION, we work in many different areas of sustainability and we continuously take advantage of opportunities to learn about new fields of knowledge. We have gained particular insight within the themes listed below.
Indicators & monitoring
Business development
Sustainable procurement
Social initiatives
Sustainable tourism
Nature & biodiversity
Circular economy
Food & food waste
We address all aspects of sustainability
We develop methods specifically to each situation
We are user-centered
We embrace professional diversity
We collect, process and convey data
We bring ideas to life
We bring people together
We communicate
We manage projects with a steady hand
We address all aspects of sustainability
We are passionate about sustainability which we understand as a comprehensive concept encompassing all three pillars; environmental, economic, and social. We understand how these three aspects are interrelated and affect one another. We make use of this connectivity in our work, ensuring that all aspects are covered as far as possible and don't become mutually exclusive.
We embrace professional diversity
Our staff carries a wide spectrum of competencies and professional backgrounds. This results in a broad knowledge base and it means that we can supplement one another as necessary to ensure highly successful implementation of projects. We are anthropologists, ethnologists, environmental planners, LCA experts, technologists, communicators, political scientists, socio-economists, and sociologists, and we make use of our variety of methods through interdisciplinary projects.
We bring people together
We believe that cooperation empowers us. That's why we always strive to use our comprehensive network to include experts and key actors who can contribute with invaluable knowledge and experience. We are experienced facilitators. We know how to bring together many different stakeholders under one common goal or theme and lead the process so that all competencies and arguments are included, and synthesis can be reached.
We develop methods specifically
to each situation
We possess a solid methodical toolbox, which we constantly review and adapt to the changing demands of our projects, our clients and our partners. We strive to keep up-to-date with the latest methodological advances and optimize our approaches as necessary, so they remain useful and effective.
We collect, process, and convey data
We are data nerds and we are thorough in both data collection and data processing. We crush numbers and code interviews and can draw out insightful messages from large amounts of data. We are experts in mapping out new areas of knowledge both nationally and internationally, and our critical approach to data ensures robust and thorough results.
We communicate
We understand the necessity of good communication - both with our clients, and with the stakeholders connected to our projects. That's why we care about conveying our messages clearly and constructively, and always translate complicated information into comprehensible analyses and action-oriented recommendations. We keep constant contact with our clients concerning progression in our projects and inform early on any foreseen challenges or adjustments.
We are
Our ambition is that our work results in concrete sustainable change. Therefore, we focus on those whom our solutions address and whose activities, approaches or behaviour would benefit from our inputs. We care about well-prepared user surveys that explore needs, attitudes, and behaviour, and we care about involvement and co-creation with those who have to carry through the sustainable transition.
We bring ideas to life
We constantly design new projects that can contribute to sustainable development and the solving of real problems. We are creative, agile and good at devising new ideas and solutions in cooperation with our partners. Simultaneously we possess comprehensive experience with the formulation of applications and fundraising of both national and international projects and programs - and we have extensive knowledge of funds, foundations, project building, budgets, and all the elements for submission of successful applications.
We manage projects
with a steady hand
Our focus is always on the good process, and we customise a solution for you that ensures the success of your project. We are flexible and accommodating, and our solid experience and results guarantee that we can solve a problem together within an agreed framework. We are not satisfied with results until you are.
Vores samarbejdspartnere siger...
"DIEH faciliterer vi sammen med NORION projektet ”Partnerskab om Bæredygtig Fiskeri”, hvor vi samler danske aktører fra fiskeribranchen med meget forskellige interesser for at indgå i konstruktiv dialog og skabe samarbejde om bæredygtighedsudfordringer på tværs. Vi sætter stor pris på vores samarbejde med NORION; det er altid lærerigt, konstruktivt og sjovt. Sammen står vi stærkere i forhold til at skabe fremgang for bæredygtig forandring i denne sektor."
"Vi sætter enormt stor pris på vores samarbejde med NORION. Et både berigende og meningsfyldt samarbejde, som oprindeligt udspringer af projektet Grøn Cirkulær Omstilling.
With tremendous professionalism and expertise in sustainable transition, including a solid business understanding, NORION is able to ensure that our ambitions for meaningful growth are translated into concrete actions and initiatives on a daily basis, benefiting both the environment and the people we surround ourselves with.""
"HORESTA med samarbejdspartnere kørte et madspildsprojekt, som NORION stod for. NORION gjorde et fantastisk stykke arbejde i forhold til ansøgning, gennemførelse af antropologiske studier i køkkener, udarbejdelse af målrettet kommunikationsmateriale og efterfølgende evaluering af projektet. Det gjorde det nemt for os at holde fokus på budskaber og indhold frem for en masse administrativt arbejde."
"Vi havde i længere tid gået med en vision om at få vores rengøringsservice Svanemærket, og derfor kontaktede vi i 2018 NORION, som hjalp os gennem processen, stod for kontakten til Miljømærkning Danmark og fik sat vores miljøarbejde i system. De indsamlede dokumentationen til brug for svanemærkeansøgningen og hjalp os desuden med at optimere rengøringen på en række miljøparametre [...]. Vi følte os i trygge hænder og kan på det varmeste anbefale NORION til at facilitere en miljømærkningsproces."
"NORION har været en vigtig sparrings-partner for Stop Spild Af Mad både i faglige spørgsmål om madspildsdagsordenen, i projektledelse og fundraising, samt ikke mindst i udviklingen af foreningens bæredygtige forretningsmodeller, erhvervspartnerskaber og varigt samarbejde med fødevaresektoren."
"Vi har nydt godt af vores strategiske samarbejde med NORION, der har været dygtige til at strukturere store projekter, så at de fremstår logiske og gennemførlige. Vi har altid opfattet medarbejderne i NORION som lydhøre og samarbejdsorienterede og de har altid reageret hurtigt hurtigt på muligheder og med en stor fleksibilitet. Vi har således kun ros til overs for NORION og deres medarbejdere!"
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NORION søger kvalitativ praktikant
Brænder du for miljømæssig og social bæredygtighed? Har du lyst til at afprøve dine kvalitative kompetencer og lære nyt i en innovativ og velanset konsulentvirksomhed? Så bliv en del af konsulentteamet hos NORION. NORION søger en praktikant med kvalitative kompetencer...
Praktikanter med interesse for bæredygtig forretningsudvikling til foråret 2025
Brænder du for at hjælpe virksomheder med bæredygtig omstilling? Vil du gerne lære at arbejde med virksomhedsrelevante emner såsom ESG, klimaberegninger, livscyklusanalyser og certificeringer? Så bliv en del af team Forretningsudvikling hos NORION. Vi søger lige nu...
NORION is looking for an intern to work with circular economy projects
Are you motivated by working with environmental sustainability and the circular economy? Do you have experience with data collection and analysis related to electronic waste, value chains, resource use, or corporate sustainability? Then you now have an opportunity to...