ESG for SMEs
Is your company ready to navigate the changing landscape of sustainability and corporate social responsibility?
Norion can help guide your journey toward a greener transition and ensure you are market-ready to meet new reporting and documentation requirements.
The ESG field may seem complex—don’t worry, help is available!
We focus on reducing complexity and identifying the areas that are most relevant to your core business.
What do we offer?
Specialised ESG consulting
Expertise in business consulting for all sizes, including SMEs.
ESG strategy development and training.
Assistance in meeting the latest EU standards for ESG data and potential customer requirements.
Documentation and guidelines for reporting sustainable initiatives.
Together we can create strong and balanced marketing and communication of your initiatives.
We adapt our approach to your specific needs, whether through upskilling programs, larger strategic projects, or concrete support with measuring and reporting on your company’s activities.
Our approach
At Norion, we emphasise the shared responsibility we all have to drive change. This includes taking responsibility with pride, being proactive, improving reputation, and optimising processes.
Norion’s consulting focuses on tangible and practical initiatives tailored to the daily operations of SMEs, using real-life cases from comparable companies.
Norion's advice is concrete and links ESG issues to the companies' core business. The focus is on concretisation, simple strategies and prioritisation.
Norion's counselling is motivational and action-oriented, so companies are ready to move forward.
Kickstart your ESG journey with Norion - Let's create sustainable transformation together - from idea to action.
Let's start the dialogue and get a non-binding offer.
Director Bjørn Bauer or Senior Consultant Kristian Jørgensenif you want to hear more about what we can do for you.
NB: Danish regions continuously offer pools for upskilling in sustainability and social responsibility. Norion can help you identify your needs for an application.
We have consultants in both Jutland and Zealand.
About ESG
ESG stands for Environment, Social and Governance. ESG is a tool that companies can use to report on the three aspects and thus give a more nuanced picture of your company on other bottom lines than the financial one.
Until now, there has been considerable flexibility in legislation regarding CSR and ESG reporting. However, the field is rapidly evolving, already requiring larger companies to comply with different and comprehensive EU standards for ESG data.
This circle of companies is growing over the coming years and will eventually have an impact on small and medium-sized businesses. At the same time, new universal regulations on product sustainability and durability, deforestation-free products, waste management and increased circularity, to name a few.
To a greater or lesser extent, these reporting and documentation requirements will affect businesses of all sizes.
About Norions consultancy
Norion has extensive experience with companies of all sizes, including smaller, often owner-managed SMEs. Consultancy often includes strategy development and training in the ESG/CSR area, including reporting and development of responsible value chains, through training and 1:1 consultancy.
Our experience shows that the SME target group has very different prerequisites, experiences and goals when it comes to working with sustainability and its documentation. However, what they have in common is a hectic workday, scarce resources and the need to adapt to new and sometimes crisis-related challenges. This is the context in which to view the new direct and indirect requirements on ESG-related topics, whether they are perceived directly from regulation or as part of a general market development and new customer requirements.
Norion's consultancy equips companies with basic ESG competences and can clarify the role of different companies in bringing data and evidence to the market and how it can be actively used in company strategy.
The value of ESG for SMEs
While legislation on mandatory ESG reporting may not be in place for SMEs, that doesn't mean they should wait for regulation. By being proactive, SMEs can prepare for future requirements, strengthen their competitiveness and avoid any surprises. In addition, there are also the following tangible benefits of SMEs taking the initiative to integrate ESG into their business model:
Improved reputation and credibility: Reputation is crucial for SMEs in attracting customers, partners, investors and talent. By demonstrating commitment to ESG values, SMEs signal their responsibility and sustainability, which can strengthen their brand and credibility.
Access to funding and business opportunities: Many investors and lenders prioritise companies with strong ESG performance. SMEs that incorporate ESG into their business model can more easily attract capital and loans, which can support growth and development. At the same time, SMEs can fulfil any requirements that larger partners might have for suppliers in their value chains.
Risk management ESG considerations help SMEs identify and manage potential risks, such as environmental disasters or social controversies. This can protect them from potentially harmful consequences.
Innovation and efficiency Working with ESG can promote innovation by encouraging SMEs to find new and more sustainable ways of doing business. This can result in cost savings and increased competitiveness.
In a constantly evolving world, SMEs' decision to work with the ESG agenda is not only a voluntary act, but also a necessary one. It is an investment in their own long-term success and a fiduciary commitment to contribute positively to society and the environment. SMEs should not wait for legislation; they should take the lead and shape a sustainable future for themselves and future generations, while reaping the many business benefits of doing so.
Who do you need to reach?
If you want to hear more about potential ESG collaborations, get in touch with the CEO, Bjørn Bauer
Our business partners say ...
“DIEH faciliterer vi sammen med NORION projektet ”Partnerskab om Bæredygtig Fiskeri”, hvor vi samler danske aktører fra fiskeribranchen med meget forskellige interesser for at indgå i konstruktiv dialog og skabe samarbejde om bæredygtighedsudfordringer på tværs. Vi sætter stor pris på vores samarbejde med NORION; det er altid lærerigt, konstruktivt og sjovt. Sammen står vi stærkere i forhold til at skabe fremgang for bæredygtig forandring i denne sektor.”
“Vi sætter enormt stor pris på vores samarbejde med NORION. Et både berigende og meningsfyldt samarbejde, som oprindeligt udspringer af projektet Grøn Cirkulær Omstilling.
With tremendous professionalism and expertise in sustainable transition, including a solid business understanding, NORION is able to ensure that our ambitions for meaningful growth are translated into concrete actions and initiatives on a daily basis, benefiting both the environment and the people we surround ourselves with."“
“HORESTA med samarbejdspartnere kørte et madspildsprojekt, som NORION stod for. NORION gjorde et fantastisk stykke arbejde i forhold til ansøgning, gennemførelse af antropologiske studier i køkkener, udarbejdelse af målrettet kommunikationsmateriale og efterfølgende evaluering af projektet. Det gjorde det nemt for os at holde fokus på budskaber og indhold frem for en masse administrativt arbejde.”
“Vi havde i længere tid gået med en vision om at få vores rengøringsservice Svanemærket, og derfor kontaktede vi i 2018 NORION, som hjalp os gennem processen, stod for kontakten til Miljømærkning Danmark og fik sat vores miljøarbejde i system. De indsamlede dokumentationen til brug for svanemærkeansøgningen og hjalp os desuden med at optimere rengøringen på en række miljøparametre […]. Vi følte os i trygge hænder og kan på det varmeste anbefale NORION til at facilitere en miljømærkningsproces.“
“NORION har været en vigtig sparrings-partner for Stop Spild Af Mad både i faglige spørgsmål om madspildsdagsordenen, i projektledelse og fundraising, samt ikke mindst i udviklingen af foreningens bæredygtige forretningsmodeller, erhvervspartnerskaber og varigt samarbejde med fødevaresektoren.”
“Vi har nydt godt af vores strategiske samarbejde med NORION, der har været dygtige til at strukturere store projekter, så at de fremstår logiske og gennemførlige. Vi har altid opfattet medarbejderne i NORION som lydhøre og samarbejdsorienterede og de har altid reageret hurtigt hurtigt på muligheder og med en stor fleksibilitet. Vi har således kun ros til overs for NORION og deres medarbejdere!”

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