Bæredygtig Turisme
The future of tourism will, by all accounts, look very different from what we've been used to. There is a rapid development underway with a much greater focus on sustainability - green, social and economic. Tourism operators across the country are working on a number of innovative sustainability initiatives and valuable cross-sectoral collaborations are emerging to strengthen the green transition and sustainable development.
Tourists - both international and Danes on holiday in Denmark - increasingly expect tourism operators to work actively with sustainability, and the demand for more sustainable options, such as food, transport and experiences, is growing. such as food, transport and experiences, is growing. At the same time, environmental certification of hotels, restaurants and experience providers is gaining momentum, and municipalities are focusing on tourism as part of the sustainable development of local areas. Sustainability has been incorporated as an assessment parameter in pooled funds and grant schemes, and many players offer support and good development programmes for companies that want help with the green transition.
However, sustainability is still a bit of a jungle for many players in the industry, and there is potential to focus efforts in a more targeted way, so that the initiatives really make a difference in terms of sustainable development.
What can we do?
NORION supports tourism stakeholders and works to promote more sustainable tourism in Denmark. Our approach combines expertise in green, social and economic sustainability coupled with our anthropological approach to sustainable behavioural change. This ensures counselling that delivers sustainable effects that are easily implemented by employees and meaningful to customers and users.
We offer a wide range of sustainable tourism services: for example, we can calculate environmental impact and advise on green transition, identify the most effective measures and help with sustainability strategies, implementation and environmental certifications. We can conduct anthropological analyses of tourist demand and behaviour or use behavioural design and nudging to promote sustainable choices, both for tourists and the staff they encounter. We can create participatory development processes that bring together stakeholders across the value chain to develop new sustainable services, products and solutions. And we can develop and test new solutions in areas such as cycling tourism, outdoor and the experience economy, and share our experiences through inspirational catalogues and new tools.
In short, our sustainable tourism services are broad and can be customised to the specific context and needs.
NORION offers concrete advice on sustainable business development for small and medium-sized enterprises. Read more here about how NORION can help your organisation.

What have we done?
We have completed a number of projects related to sustainable tourism. The following three examples illustrate the breadth of our services:
We helped Danish Coastal and Nature Tourism, Wonderful Copenhagen, VisitNordsjælland, Destination Fjordlandet and Destination SydkystDanmark develop and document test programmes for sustainable last mile solutions that strengthen mobility across urban and rural areas. Central to the test programmes were qualitative user tests - first at concept level and then in reality, where Danish and international tourists tested hiking, cycling and ferries as last mile solutions on day trips from Copenhagen. The project resulted in an inspiration catalogue aimed at destinations and other stakeholders who want to develop sustainable mobility solutions.
We analysed the potential of Copenhagen as an outdoor destination for Wonderful Copenhagen and the City of Copenhagen. Key activities included mapping best/worst practice, involvement of business actors in the tourism and outdoor sector, and design anthropological involvement of Danish and foreign tourists and locals. We organised a series of development workshops and future workshops and identified potentials, strengths and sustainable dreams for the future. The analysis resulted in a knowledge base that will drive the strategic development of Copenhagen as an attractive outdoor destination.
We have developed green business models and green transition strategies for a number of tourism operators. For example, we have contributed to the sustainability strategy and action plan for Sinatur Hotel and Conference Centre. We have been an advisor on the Global Goals in the Value Chain project for Global Compact and REGA to identify specific initiatives for green transition in the restaurant industry. On behalf of the City of Copenhagen, we have mapped the consumption and handling of textiles in Copenhagen hotels and developed guidelines for green transition for the hotels. As an advisor on Sustainable Bottom Line, we have helped hotels, campsites and restaurants obtain environmental certifications such as Green Key and Nordic Ecolabelling. And for the Education Secretariat, we develop continuing education in green transition for employees from hotels and restaurants, among others. Our advice to tourism operators is based on 30 years of experience in supporting companies' work with green transition.
Who do you need to reach?
If you are interested in learning more about how NORION works with the subject, contact Julie Granhøj or Katja Øder Schlesinger.
Vores samarbejdspartnere siger...
"DIEH faciliterer vi sammen med NORION projektet ”Partnerskab om Bæredygtig Fiskeri”, hvor vi samler danske aktører fra fiskeribranchen med meget forskellige interesser for at indgå i konstruktiv dialog og skabe samarbejde om bæredygtighedsudfordringer på tværs. Vi sætter stor pris på vores samarbejde med NORION; det er altid lærerigt, konstruktivt og sjovt. Sammen står vi stærkere i forhold til at skabe fremgang for bæredygtig forandring i denne sektor."
"Vi sætter enormt stor pris på vores samarbejde med NORION. Et både berigende og meningsfyldt samarbejde, som oprindeligt udspringer af projektet Grøn Cirkulær Omstilling.
With tremendous professionalism and expertise in sustainable transition, including a solid business understanding, NORION is able to ensure that our ambitions for meaningful growth are translated into concrete actions and initiatives on a daily basis, benefiting both the environment and the people we surround ourselves with.""
"HORESTA med samarbejdspartnere kørte et madspildsprojekt, som NORION stod for. NORION gjorde et fantastisk stykke arbejde i forhold til ansøgning, gennemførelse af antropologiske studier i køkkener, udarbejdelse af målrettet kommunikationsmateriale og efterfølgende evaluering af projektet. Det gjorde det nemt for os at holde fokus på budskaber og indhold frem for en masse administrativt arbejde."
"Vi havde i længere tid gået med en vision om at få vores rengøringsservice Svanemærket, og derfor kontaktede vi i 2018 NORION, som hjalp os gennem processen, stod for kontakten til Miljømærkning Danmark og fik sat vores miljøarbejde i system. De indsamlede dokumentationen til brug for svanemærkeansøgningen og hjalp os desuden med at optimere rengøringen på en række miljøparametre [...]. Vi følte os i trygge hænder og kan på det varmeste anbefale NORION til at facilitere en miljømærkningsproces."
"NORION har været en vigtig sparrings-partner for Stop Spild Af Mad både i faglige spørgsmål om madspildsdagsordenen, i projektledelse og fundraising, samt ikke mindst i udviklingen af foreningens bæredygtige forretningsmodeller, erhvervspartnerskaber og varigt samarbejde med fødevaresektoren."
"Vi har nydt godt af vores strategiske samarbejde med NORION, der har været dygtige til at strukturere store projekter, så at de fremstår logiske og gennemførlige. Vi har altid opfattet medarbejderne i NORION som lydhøre og samarbejdsorienterede og de har altid reageret hurtigt hurtigt på muligheder og med en stor fleksibilitet. Vi har således kun ros til overs for NORION og deres medarbejdere!"
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