Social initiatives

At NORION, we see sustainability as a broad concept that covers environmental, economic and social sustainability. Social initiatives are important for the creation of a sustainable world, which is why NORION works together with a number of skilled civil society organisations and public partners to solve social issues.

What can we do?

NORION develops, supports and evaluates social initiatives in collaboration with, for example, associations, social economy companies, social housing master plans and municipal actors.

NORION's employees specialise in anthropology, sociology, political science and communication. We have practical experience with a wide range of vulnerable target groups such as socially vulnerable families with ethnic minority backgrounds, lonely elderly people, activity-ready citizens and young people from socially vulnerable neighbourhoods.

The collaboration always depends on the specific partner's needs and wishes, but typically spans: 

    • Project development and fundraising: We have extensive expertise and experience in project development and fundraising, which we use to qualify applications for funds and grants. We ensure that social initiatives are based on a well-founded theory of change with a clear connection between the problem, purpose, results, target group, project activities, partners, schedule and budget.

    • Project management, capacity building and collaboration: We support project management of larger projects, where we facilitate involvement processes, provide counselling and capacity building, develop method design and assist with implementation and anchoring - always based on the specific context, practice and target group. We also utilise our extensive network and knowledge base to form partnerships across sectors where we can see that it makes sense to solve social problems.

    • Evaluation: We combine a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods in process and impact evaluations. We often follow an initiative from start to finish and prioritise a formative process evaluation format, using the knowledge gained to develop and optimise the project as it unfolds. We also place great emphasis on communicating the results of the evaluation in a lively and tangible way so that the analyses can be put into practice.

    • Communication and knowledge sharing: We ensure good communication of project activities and results through targeted communication with clear messages and an eye for specific target groups. We have extensive experience in dissemination and knowledge sharing through campaigns and video communication as well as press releases and conferences.

What have we done?

Over the past three years, NORION's specialists have

  • Developed, tested and scaled new types of profitable leisure jobs that both create opportunities for vulnerable youth and solve SDG challenges (FRAK and Urbanplanen, supported by Tuborgfondet)

  • Developed communication material and advised on business development, CSR and ESG for Gadens Stemmer with the aim of creating meaningful employment for even more guides who do city walks about a life lived with homelessness, drug use, placements and diagnoses (Gadens Stemmer, supported by the Sustainable Business programme)

  • Supported co-creation, advised on volunteer management, developed new tools, and evaluated the process and results of a project to improve access to local wild nature for vulnerable families with children, institutions and enthusiasts in a social housing masterplan (The social housing masterplan in Høje Gladsaxe, supported by Friluftsrådet)

  • Created event concepts and developed communication material in collaboration with vulnerable young people in a project to motivate them to clean up rubbish in nature (FRAK, supported by the Danish EPA)

  • Facilitated the creation of a citizen-driven and sustainable social gathering place (Feldballe in Syddjurs Kommune, supported by Landdistriktspuljen)

  • Evaluated Baisikeli Frijob's efforts to create jobs for homeless and drug users referred to the social free card (Baisikeli Frijob) 

  • Developed and fundraised for the project Sustainable Community, where lonely residents are trained to fight textile waste. Also helped the organisation I Tråd Med Verden with capacity building, communication and evaluation in connection with the project. project (I Tråd Med Verden, supported by TrygFonden)

Who do you need to reach?

Hvis du vil vide mere om NORIONs arbejde med sociale indsatser, så tøv ikke med at kontakte antropolog Julie Granhøj eller Seniorkonsulent Mads Werge 


Our business partners say ...

“DIEH faciliterer vi sammen med NORION projektet ”Partnerskab om Bæredygtig Fiskeri”, hvor vi samler danske aktører fra fiskeribranchen med meget forskellige interesser for at indgå i konstruktiv dialog og skabe samarbejde om bæredygtighedsudfordringer på tværs. Vi sætter stor pris på vores samarbejde med NORION; det er altid lærerigt, konstruktivt og sjovt. Sammen står vi stærkere i forhold til at skabe fremgang for bæredygtig forandring i denne sektor.”

Janine Dortmundt

Project Manager, Dansk Initiativ for Etisk Handel

“Vi sætter enormt stor pris på vores samarbejde med NORION. Et både berigende og meningsfyldt samarbejde, som oprindeligt udspringer af projektet Grøn Cirkulær Omstilling.

With tremendous professionalism and expertise in sustainable transition, including a solid business understanding, NORION is able to ensure that our ambitions for meaningful growth are translated into concrete actions and initiatives on a daily basis, benefiting both the environment and the people we surround ourselves with."

Thomas Trads Hansen

Director, Aluproff

“HORESTA med samarbejdspartnere kørte et madspildsprojekt, som NORION stod for. NORION gjorde et fantastisk stykke arbejde i forhold til ansøgning, gennemførelse af antropologiske studier i køkkener, udarbejdelse af målrettet kommunikationsmateriale og efterfølgende evaluering af projektet. Det gjorde det nemt for os at holde fokus på budskaber og indhold frem for en masse administrativt arbejde.”

Mikal Holt Jensen

Environmental manager, HORESTA

Vi havde i længere tid gået med en vision om at få vores rengøringsservice Svanemærket, og derfor kontaktede vi i 2018 NORION, som hjalp os gennem processen, stod for kontakten til Miljømærkning Danmark og fik sat vores miljøarbejde i system. De indsamlede dokumentationen til brug for svanemærkeansøgningen og hjalp os desuden med at optimere rengøringen på en række miljøparametre […]. Vi følte os i trygge hænder og kan på det varmeste anbefale NORION til at facilitere en miljømærkningsproces.

Martin Lorck

Director, Relianz Facility Management

NORION har været en vigtig sparrings-partner for Stop Spild Af Mad både i faglige spørgsmål om madspildsdagsordenen, i projektledelse og fundraising, samt ikke mindst i udviklingen af foreningens bæredygtige forretningsmodeller, erhvervspartnerskaber og varigt samarbejde med fødevaresektoren.”

Selina Juul

Founder and Chairman of the Board, Stop Spild Af Mad

Vi har nydt godt af vores strategiske samarbejde med NORION, der har været dygtige til at strukturere store projekter, så at de fremstår logiske og gennemførlige. Vi har altid opfattet medarbejderne i NORION som lydhøre og samarbejdsorienterede og de har altid reageret hurtigt hurtigt på muligheder og med en stor fleksibilitet. Vi har således kun ros til overs for NORION og deres medarbejdere!”

Peter Blach

Project Manager, Ocean Plastic Forum and Maskinmestrenes Forening

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ESG står for Environment (miljø), Social (samfund) og Governance (ledelse) og er et værktøj, som virksomheder kan bruge til at rapportere indenfor de tre aspekter og dermed give et mere nuanceret billede af virksomheden på andre bundlinjer end blot den økonomiske....



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