Sustainable procurement
Sustainable procurement offers a strategic tool to promote a sustainable transition. By using your purchasing muscle to demand products and services that are produced responsibly and have a smaller environmental and climate footprint, you can help promote a sustainable market. Just as sustainable procurement can be used to realise sustainability goals ranging from reduced carbon footprint to social responsibility.
What can we do?
NORION decades of experience with consultancy on green public procurement both at home and abroad and has thereby built up a toolbox for green procurement that includes:
A process model: "Sustainable" must be incorporated into the procurement process, especially in the planning, market and user dialogue. NORION can help with this process and has assisted several organisations in conducting both market and user dialogues. NORION has helped to clarify what socio-economic and environmental performance the market can live up to, as well as user needs and whether users are prepared to change their behaviour if, for example, waste sorting is a prerequisite for achieving a reduced resource footprint.
Developing sustainable criteria: NORION has extensive knowledge of sustainability as well as the procurement process and can develop possible sustainable criteria for a given tender.
An anchoring model: In order for sustainable procurement to be anchored in an organisation, organisation, management, competencies, culture and tools must go hand in hand. NORION has experience with embedding sustainable procurement in organisations and can provide courses and workshops on embedding green public procurement.
Procurement strategies and policies: NORION has its finger on the pulse of what's happening in sustainability, and thus what is relevant to include in procurement strategies and/or policies, including Sustainable Development Goals and circular economy. Just as NORION has expertise in organising engaging and motivational workshops aimed at gathering input and engaging employees and stakeholders.
Read more here about how NORION can help your organisation.
What have we done?
NORION has more than 20 years of experience in supporting green public procurement:
NORION served the Danish Green Procurement Secretariat on behalf of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency over a four-year period (2013-2017). As the secretariat, NORION Both the Sustainable Procurement Forum, a national network for procurement professionals, and the Partnership for Public Green Procurement (POGI), a partnership for public organisations. NORION was the driving force behind gathering and sharing knowledge, facilitating networks and developing green procurement criteria.
NORION is leading the Green Procurement Travel Team in 2019-2020, advising 14 public organisations on green and circular procurement with courses on anchoring, procurement strategies and policy, circular procurement, market and user dialogue, development of green criteria, guides and tools.
NORION has assisted the governments of both Thailand and Indonesia in developing sustainable procurement strategies and taking the first steps towards implementing them through knowledge and capacity building.
NORION has helped develop knowledge about green procurement through studies on how Nordic municipalities can support a circular transition through procurement and how Nordic governments can implement green requirements in their framework contracts.
Who do you need to reach?
If you are interested in learning more about how NORION works with the subject, contact Rikke Fischer-Bogason or Lea E. Eliasson.
Our business partners say ...
“DIEH faciliterer vi sammen med NORION projektet ”Partnerskab om Bæredygtig Fiskeri”, hvor vi samler danske aktører fra fiskeribranchen med meget forskellige interesser for at indgå i konstruktiv dialog og skabe samarbejde om bæredygtighedsudfordringer på tværs. Vi sætter stor pris på vores samarbejde med NORION; det er altid lærerigt, konstruktivt og sjovt. Sammen står vi stærkere i forhold til at skabe fremgang for bæredygtig forandring i denne sektor.”
“Vi sætter enormt stor pris på vores samarbejde med NORION. Et både berigende og meningsfyldt samarbejde, som oprindeligt udspringer af projektet Grøn Cirkulær Omstilling.
With tremendous professionalism and expertise in sustainable transition, including a solid business understanding, NORION is able to ensure that our ambitions for meaningful growth are translated into concrete actions and initiatives on a daily basis, benefiting both the environment and the people we surround ourselves with."“
“HORESTA med samarbejdspartnere kørte et madspildsprojekt, som NORION stod for. NORION gjorde et fantastisk stykke arbejde i forhold til ansøgning, gennemførelse af antropologiske studier i køkkener, udarbejdelse af målrettet kommunikationsmateriale og efterfølgende evaluering af projektet. Det gjorde det nemt for os at holde fokus på budskaber og indhold frem for en masse administrativt arbejde.”
“Vi havde i længere tid gået med en vision om at få vores rengøringsservice Svanemærket, og derfor kontaktede vi i 2018 NORION, som hjalp os gennem processen, stod for kontakten til Miljømærkning Danmark og fik sat vores miljøarbejde i system. De indsamlede dokumentationen til brug for svanemærkeansøgningen og hjalp os desuden med at optimere rengøringen på en række miljøparametre […]. Vi følte os i trygge hænder og kan på det varmeste anbefale NORION til at facilitere en miljømærkningsproces.“
“NORION har været en vigtig sparrings-partner for Stop Spild Af Mad både i faglige spørgsmål om madspildsdagsordenen, i projektledelse og fundraising, samt ikke mindst i udviklingen af foreningens bæredygtige forretningsmodeller, erhvervspartnerskaber og varigt samarbejde med fødevaresektoren.”
“Vi har nydt godt af vores strategiske samarbejde med NORION, der har været dygtige til at strukturere store projekter, så at de fremstår logiske og gennemførlige. Vi har altid opfattet medarbejderne i NORION som lydhøre og samarbejdsorienterede og de har altid reageret hurtigt hurtigt på muligheder og med en stor fleksibilitet. Vi har således kun ros til overs for NORION og deres medarbejdere!”
NORION søger kvalitativ praktikant
Brænder du for miljømæssig og social bæredygtighed? Har du lyst til at afprøve dine kvalitative kompetencer og lære nyt i en innovativ og velanset konsulentvirksomhed? Så bliv en del af konsulentteamet hos NORION. NORION søger en praktikant med kvalitative kompetencer...
Praktikanter med interesse for bæredygtig forretningsudvikling til foråret 2025
Brænder du for at hjælpe virksomheder med bæredygtig omstilling? Vil du gerne lære at arbejde med virksomhedsrelevante emner såsom ESG, klimaberegninger, livscyklusanalyser og certificeringer? Så bliv en del af team Forretningsudvikling hos NORION. Vi søger lige nu...
NORION is looking for an intern to work with circular economy projects
Are you motivated by working with environmental sustainability and the circular economy? Do you have experience with data collection and analysis related to electronic waste, value chains, resource use, or corporate sustainability? Then you now have an opportunity to...